“…Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” - 2 Peter 3:18
Students at Conway Christian School are called to a wonderful standard — Christian discipleship. We want our students to enjoy the benefits of a Biblical lifestyle with all the joy and discipline of Christ-centered living. We want to encourage God’s best in our students, discourage “the sins that beset us” and offer protection from the ways of the world so prevalent in American society today.
To do so, we are required to implement school standards. As a private Christian school, we expect our students to conduct themselves–on campus and off campus– in a manner that honors God. For example, students are expected to refrain from the use of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, sexual activity, profanity, illegal activities, cheating and other forms of stealing, the use of tobacco products, crude behavior, hurtful gossip, and other activities that reflect poorly upon the name of Jesus. We also call on our students to set a positive example as directed in Ephesians 4:32:”And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”
In order to protect our children at Conway Christian School, we have established the following policy. If school standards are violated, or if we receive reports of violations, we will honor God-given parental authority by presenting these reports to a parent. This will allow parents to restore their child’s reputation in the case of gossip or enable them to appropriately discipline their child if such reports are true. The school administration meanwhile will enforce existing disciplinary policies. We believe that involving parents in questionable actions related to their children will further enable us to shepherd and encourage our entire student body in the cause of Christ.
Thank you for your prayerful interest in Conway Christian School. Please remember to pray for our priceless children and all who are involved with the responsibility of this ministry.
In His Name,
Conway Christian School
Board of Directors